Parish council meeting
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, BURNTWOOD WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 14 January 2019
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW on Monday 21 January 2019 commencing at 7.00 pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Parish Clerk
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area.
2018-19/135 To receive apologies
2018-19/136 To receive Declarations of Interest
2018-19/137 To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
2018-19/138 To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
2018-19/139 To consider the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 December 2018
2018-19/140 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting held on 17 December 2018
2018-19/141 To receive a report from the PCSO
2018-19/142 To receive reports from the Borough Councillors
2018-19/143 To receive a report from the County Councillor
2018-19/144 To consider financial matters
2018-19/145 The Link Park
2018-19/146 To consider planning matters
2018-19/147 To receive questions from Councillors and reports from Representatives
2018-19/148 Correspondence and Circulars
2018-19/149 Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting
Monday 18 February 2019 at The Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm.
Minutes of a Meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, Princess Street, Burton upon Trent on Monday 21 January 2019 commencing at 7.00pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlon and Shilton
In attendance
Councillor Clarke (SCC)
Councillor Walker (ESBC)
PCSOs Evans and Harrison
No members of the public were present
2018-19/135 APOLOGIES
Councillors Hoare, Lewis and Yousaf.
RESOLVED That Councillor Hoare’s request for an extended leave of absence due to personal circumstances until the end of the Municipal year due be approved.
2018-19/136 Declarations of interest
Councillor Shilton declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in 2018-19/147.1 as he is a Governor at the Grange School Academy.
2018-19/137 Written dispensation under the localism act 2011
No applications for dispensation had been received.
2018-19/138 Updates to Councillors’ register of interest forms
No changes to members’ registers of interest had been notified.
2018-19/139 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 December 2018
RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 December 2018 be approved as a true record.
2018-19/140 Matters arising from the Council meeting held on 17 December 2018
2018-19/116 Kingfisher Trail: Totem Poles
The Clerk reported that responses were awaited from the Kingfisher Project and ESBC.
2018-19/127 Princess Street Training Centre
The Clerk reported that a response was awaited from the Centre.
2018-19/129 Planters: Halcyon Way and Wellington Street
The Clerk reported that the planters are not on the Asset Register and that Bloomin’ Gardens had been requested to quote to fill and water the planters.
2018-19/141 PCSO’S REPORT
PCSO Evans reported that there had been a decrease in crime by 21.2% in the last 12 months. He also reported that a new full-time PCSO, Julia Wells, had joined the team.
2018-19/142 Report from the Borough Councillor
Open Spaces and Playing Pitches Consultation: Councillor Walker said that the Burton Mail had asked for information for an article reporting on the number of open spaces and playing pitches which had been identified as part of the consultation and this raised concerns about how the outsourcing of these areas would be handled in the future as these were all currently maintained by ESBC staff.
2018-19/143 Report from the County Councillor
Councillor Clarke reported that:
- He had been contacted regarding concerns about speeding vehicles and HGVs throughout the night around Henhurst Hill and Horninglow Street.
- He has asked that the County Council look at the number of white lines in circulation and whether there is still a need for these still to be in situ as there are people waiting for white lines to be installed. Councillors asked that residents be contacted before lines were removed.
2018-19/144 Financial matters
2018-19/144.1 Schedule of Payments
Payments | Cheque No. | Gross
£ |
£ |
Transaction Detail |
Bloomin’ Gardens | Faster Payment | 338.40 | 56.40 | The Link: Supply and install replacement drop bollard |
Princess Street Training Centre | Faster Payment | 47.50 | – | Room hire and refreshments (January meeting) |
Clerk’s Salary | Faster Payment | 784.28 | 13.05 | Clerk’s salary and expenses |
Total Payments | 1,170.18 | 69.45 |
RESOLVED That the above payment be approved.
2018-19/144.2 Bank reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation | £ |
Current Account | 27,704.21 |
LESS: Unpresented cheques: | |
100993 Princess Street Training Centre | -37.50 |
100998 Bloomin’ Gardens | -281.40 |
100999 Princess Street Training Centre | -37.50 |
101001 HMRC | -458.56 |
Balance per Cash Book is: | 26,889.25 |
PLUS: HSBC Business Money Manager Account | 30,045.569 |
Total Funds Available as at 31 December 2018 | 56,934.81 |
RESOLVED That the above was a true record.
2018-19/144.3 2018/19 Budget
RESOLVED That the Budget report showing receipts and payments as at 31 December 2018 be received and noted.
2018-19/145 THE LINK PARK
- Travellers
The Clerk had previously provided all the relevant information to Members and reported that the County Council’s invoice was awaited
RESOLVED That the information be noted.
- Quotation – Additional Litter Picking, etc
RESOLVED That the following quotations from Bloomin’ Gardens be accepted:
Playground inspection £25 per month plus VAT
Litter picking twice weekly £225 per month plus VAT
Litter picking one a week in the tree area at
the side of The Link Park £100 per month plus VAT
- Quotations – Installation of Land Drainage on the former BMX Track
The Clerk reported that four companies had been approached inviting them to quote for the above works, there had been no response to date and the companies would be contacted again to ascertain if they were interested in the work.
RESOLVED That the information be noted.
- To consider establishing a Project Plan to progress the replacement of equipment and reinvigorating The Link Park
IT WAS AGREED that playground equipment suppliers who offer a free no obligation design service be invited to visit the site and that a project plan could then be considered once the decision has been made on what equipment, etc is to be installed on the site.
- Funding Streams
RESOLVED That information regarding potential funding streams be received and noted.
- Staffordshire Playing Fields Association (SPFA)
RESOLVED That information relating to other local council’s and the SPFA be received and noted.
- Litter Bins
RESOLVED That a quotation be obtained for the existing bins around the edge of the site to be replaced with 3 No. larger capacity bins of metal construction, to be concreted into the ground and be as vandal resistant as possible.
- Bollards
- Quotations be sought to:
- Move the bollards at the end of the accessway from Shobnall Road to The Link Park 10m in from their current location, retaining the same configuration. This would mean that BT Open Reach would not need to drop the bollard to access their communications cabinet and would also maintain the restricted vehicular access to prevent unauthorised access to the site.
- Install 2 No. concrete bollards and 1 No. drop-down bollard (with an uncommon key, keys to be held only by SPC and BG) to be located at the beginning of the cycle path under the Shobnall Road flyover. This would mean that vehicular access would be restricted to the site should anyone gain access from the Shobnall Road accessway.
- ii) Bloomin’ Gardens be contacted to ascertain whether their access to the site would be hindered if bollards were to be installed.
2018-19/146 Planning matters
- Planning applications
Adjacent to 1 Grange Street
Erection of a detached dwelling
Objection on the following grounds:
The proposed development within the majority of the garden of 1 Grange Street, is for a two bed, two-storey house with off-road parking. However, the new development is in the garden of a house converted into a five double-bed with en-suite, shared house in a corner position. The conversion could house up to ten people and has no provision for off-road parking. The fencing off of the garden for the development of a two-bed house substantially reduces the outdoor amenity for the residents in the shared house. The proposed new development would further restrict the on-road parking provision as the new property would require access via the dropped kerb to two off-road parking spaces.
The new development significantly impacts on the original house on the site as stated in:
The new development does not allow the original house to have sufficient garden to give the residents of 5 double bedrooms sufficient garden space. Shobnall Neighbourhood plan Section 8.4, page 37 states:
8.4. Dwellings suitable for family occupation should have access to private garden space of at least 70 sq.m, and those with 3 or more bedrooms should have in excess of 100 sq.m of private garden space.
Parking provision within the Shobnall Neighbourhood Plan should still be applicable to 1 Grange Street which has been converted to shared accommodation (Policy T5, page 30).
The proposed development would also adversely affect 7 Grange Street as it would result in lack of amenity for the householders and there are concerns regarding potential parking problems in the street.
The development should be refused for the adverse impact it has on Nos. 1 and 7 Grange Street.
2018-19/147 questions from Councillors and reports from Representatives
2018-19/147.1 Grange School Academy
Councillor Shilton gave feedback from the Grange School Academy regarding the proposed MUGA. The council had previously agreed in principle to grant £5,000 as seed corn funding (i.e. money that the organisation will spend at the beginning of the project in the hope that it will lead to funds being awarded through grant applications). The Academy asked if they could draw down money to pay for the SCC licence fee and ESB planning application if this became necessary, though it should be noted that there was a financial risk in that the planning permission may not be granted.
Councillor Clarke offered to speak with Graham Hunt, SCC to ask for advice and assistance at County level, the offer was gratefully accepted by Councillor Shilton.
- The Academy be advised to write to the Clerk formally with the request when the need arises.
- The council accepts the financial risk attached to the request in that the money may be “lost” should planning permission not be granted.
2018-19/147.2 Tented Encampments
Councillor Shilton reported that there was a tented encampment of three or four tents along the edge of the canal between the council refuse centre and the first commercial development on Centrum Way. He also noted that the towpath was very badly littered and overgrown. He also reported that there was one tent on Shobnall Fields.
Councillor Walker said that ESBC was aware of both encampments and options were being explored to ensure that they were accessing the correct services for support and he said he would check on this. He also said he would speak to the Housing Options Officer and ask if the Outreach Officers have visited the encampments.
2018-19/147.3 School Crossing Patrols
Councillor Donlon asked what was happening about the crossing patrols? Councillor Clarke said that the County Council would be reaching its a decision very soon.
2018-19/148 Correspondence and Circulars
2018-19/148.1 SPCA: Weekly Bulletins had been received.
2018-19/148.2 Staffordshire Commissioner for Police Fire Crime: The Commissioner’s response was received, and IT WAS AGREED that another letter be sent requesting the following information:
- How many parishes does Burton Urban cover?
- What is the population of Burton Urban?
- How many Officers per head of population does Shobnall have?
2018-19/148.3 Local Government Boundary Review
Members were informed that the Local Government Boundary Commission of England have determined that a review of East Staffordshire Borough Council should take place.
A briefing session had been arranged in order to discuss the review process, its key stages and timetable on 15 February 2019 at Burton Town Hall.
AGREED That Councillors Dennis and Shilton and the Clerk would attend the briefing session.
2018-19/148.4 Branston Walking Group
Councillor Dennis reported that the planned footpath walk had been arranged for 14 February 2019 and she said that she would circulate the details to all Members so that they could join the walk if they were available.
Date of next meeting
Monday 18 February 2019 at The Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm.
The Meeting closed at 9.10pm