Parish council meeting
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, BURNTWOOD WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 08 October 2018
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW on Monday 15 October 2018 commencing at 7.00 pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Parish Clerk
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area.
2018-19/087 To receive apologies
2018-19/088 To receive Declarations of Interest
2018-19/089 To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
2018-19/090 To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
2018-19/091 To consider the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 September 2018
2018-19/092 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting held on 17 September 2018
2018-19/093 To receive a report from the PCSO
2018-19/094 To receive a report from the Borough Councillors
2018-19/095 To receive a report from the County Councillor
2018-19/096 To consider financial matters
2018-19/097 The Link Park (Minute No. 2018-19/078 refers)
2018-19/098 Burton upon Trent Regeneration Strategy – Community Stakeholder Listening Events
2018-19/099 Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places – Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended)
2018-19/100 To consider planning matters
2018-19/101 To receive questions from Councillors and reports from Representatives
2018-19/102 Correspondence and Circulars
2018-19/103 Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting
Monday 19 November 2018 at The Princess Street Training Enterprise and Education Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm.
Minutes of a Meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, Princess Street, Burton upon Trent on Monday 15 October 2018 commencing at 7.00pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlan, Hoare and Shilton
In attendance
Councillor Clarke (SCC)
Councillors McKiernan and Walker (ESBC)
PCSO Mason
No members of the public were present
2018-19/087 APOLOGIES
Councillors Lewis and Yousaf
2018-19/088 Declarations of interest
None declared.
2018-19/089 Written dispensation under the localism act 2011
No applications for dispensation had been received.
2018-19/090 Updates to Councillors’ register of interest forms
No changes to members’ registers of interest had been notified.
2018-19/091 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 SEPTEMBER 2018
RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 September 2018 be approved as a true record.
2018-19/092 Matters arising from the Council meeting held on 17 SEPTEMBER 2018
None raised.
2018-19/093 REPORT FROM PCSO
PCSO Mason said there was currently not a lot to report. She said that the PCSO’s will keep The Link Park on their radar, she reported that she had been at the site around 2pm on 15 October and litter, beer bottles, etc were evident on the site – Members advised PCSO Mason that the contractor visits the site on Monday and Friday (late afternoon) and this would have been cleared up by the end of that day.
Members informed PCSO Mason that the parish council was going to consult with the public on The Link Park and she was asked if the PCSOs would be willing to give feedback as part of that process – PCSO Mason confirmed that they would be happy to do so.
2018-19/094 Report from the Borough Councillors
Councillor McKiernan gave an update:
- ESBC had called an extraordinary council meeting to be held on 07 November, the agenda was yet to be published but it was expected that it would include Station Street renovations and outsourcing of the Leisure Centres. There would be a Members Briefing a week before the council meeting.
Councillor Walker gave an update:
- A very successful Cancer Awareness (specifically breast cancer) Day had been held at the Princess Street Centre on 13 October.
- He had spoken with Sgt Ray regarding Gordon Street/Edward Street due to a drug problem where drugs were being used outside a resident’s home. Sgt Ray had confirmed that the Police were aware of the problem and this was an ongoing operation.
- Planning Application P/2018/01197 for 2 Victoria Street was of concern to residents who were opposing the application due to noise, increase in traffic, etc.
RESOLVED That the parish council object to the planning application due to loss of amenity to neighbours and parking issues arising from the proposed development.
- The recent prolonged heavy rain had caused problems on the Shobnall Ward roads.
2018-19/095 Report from the County Councillor
Councillor Clarke gave an update which included:
- The County Council had a list of roads scheduled for resurfacing on its website, this priority list cannot be altered.
- Parking issue on the road behind the Grange Community School.
- County Council budget difficulties due to cut backs – £35m 2019/20, and more cuts to follow in the future and how the County Council is very dependent on the voluntary sector and is now looking to reduce funding for the sector by 75% – following pressure from County Councillors this decision is under review but it had been made clear that voluntary groups will have to be self-financing in the future.
- The £10,000 community fund for each County Councillor had been reduced to £7,500 for 2018/19 and this will be cut completely in 2019/20.
- Drains: The County Council had undertaken a survey over four years to identify all the drains in the County and the frequency by which they should be cleared. County Councillors had met with Amey and Amey had been criticised for poor communication, etc. County Councillor Helen Fisher, Deputy Cabinet member had invited Councillor Clarke to join an Outcome Committee – he had accepted the invitation and the first meeting will take place on 14 November. He also said that he is keeping an eye on the drains in the Shobnall Ward, and is in contact with the Borough Councillors for the Ward and Staffordshire Highways officers and that he intends to liaise with gulley cleaner for confirmation of work to be done, what is due to be cleared, etc. Councillor Clarke said that he was seeking a full report for East Staffordshire including a list of drains done, due to cleared, etc to be provided at the Committee meeting on 14 November.
- A Member asked when the promised Shobnall Street/Shobnall Road traffic lights would be installed – Councillor Clarke said he was unaware of this but would ask the question at the County Council. Another Member said that there is also a problem at Dallow Street with traffic travelling to/from Queens Hospital.
- A Member asked about the potential removal of yellow lines to increase parking spaces in the Ward – Councillor Clarke said that he would raise this at the County Council.
2018-19/096 Financial matters
2018-19/096.1 Schedule of Payments
Payments | Cheque No. | Gross
(incl VAT) |
£ | £ | ||
Bloomin’ Gardens & Landscapes (Inv. Nos. 643877 and 643970) | 100986 | 395.40 | 65.90 |
Princess Street Training Centre | 100987 | 25.00 | 0.00 |
Clerk’s salary and expenses | BACS | 927.47 | 16.66 |
Playsafety Ltd re annual RoSPA inspection – The Link Play Area | 100988 | 96.60 | 16.10 |
SLCC Enterprises Ltd: Local Council Administration (11th Edition) | 100989 | 108.79 | 0.80 |
Total Payments | 1,533.26 | 99.46 |
RESOLVED That the payments be approved.
2018-19/096.2 Bank reconciliation
Bank reconciliation | £ | £ |
Current Account b/fwd 31 August 2018 | 30,050.59 | |
Less: Unpresented cheques as at 30 September 2018 | ||
100979 | 30.00 | |
100984 | 500.00 | |
100985 | 25.00 | |
Total unpresented cheques | (555.00) | |
Add: Receipts this month | 11,557.50 | |
42,163.09 |
RESOLVED That the above was a true record.
2018-19/096.3 2018/19 Budget including actual receipts and payments as at 30 September 2018 and the proposed draft 2019/20 budget
Councillor Dennis reminded Members that the parish council will need to agree the 2019/20 budget and precept at the December 2018 meeting.
RESOLVED That the report be received and noted.
2018-19/097 THE LINK PARK
2018-19/97.1 Annual RoSPA Inspection
Members reviewed the RoSPA report.
RESOLVED That the following additional works be requested of the parish council’s contractor:
- Remove the timber logs
- Repair the surface around the low bars on the agility trail
- Remove the remaining cableway (zip wire) structure and make the ground good
- 5-a-side goal to be cleaned, any corroded areas made good and repainted
2018-19/97.2 Survey
Members considered a draft survey which would be published on Survey Monkey, the local Press and the parish council’s website and distributed via schools, etc seeking views on The Link Park and how it might be improved to meet the needs of all age groups.
RESOLVED That the survey form be published (as amended) with a closing date of 30 November for submission of completed forms.
2018-19/098 Burton upon Trent Regeneration Strategy – Community Stakeholder Listening Events
Members were informed that the parish council received a late notification of a Community Stakeholder Listening Event held on 01 October 2018 (Councillor Shilton had attended on behalf of the parish council).
Members were requested to inform the Clerk if they would be interested in attending future meetings (and are available during the day) so that the Clerk can make direct contact when such events are notified.
Councillor Shilton said that he would be willing to attend future meetings.
2018-19/099 Notice of Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places – Representation of the People Act 1983 (as amended)
Members were advised that under Section 18C(1) of the Representation of the People Act 1983 (RPA 1983) local authorities must carry out and complete a review of polling districts and polling places in the period specified by section 18C(2)(a) of the RPA 1983. The next compulsory review must be started and completed between 01 October 2018 and 31 January 2020 (inclusive).
The consultation period for the next review in East Staffordshire commenced on 01 October 2018 and will end on 31 October 2018. The Returning Officer invited comments on proposed polling places.
The current arrangements for Shobnall were:
Poll District | Ward | Polling Station |
BN | Shobnall | Victoria Nursery School, York Street, Burton upon Trent |
BO | Shobnall | Burton Albion Community Hub, Grange Street, Burton upon Trent |
BP | Shobnall | Shobnall Primary School, Shobnall Road, Burton upon Trent |
RESOLVED That the parish council has no comments or objections to the proposed polling places as set out in the official notice
2018-19/100 planning matters
First Floor of 22 Borough Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 2DA
Conversion of first floor shop storage to Class C3 (dwelling house) to form 5 No. 1 bedroom flats including replacement windows
Members had concerns regarding parking provisions for a HMO and asked that the Local Planning Authority ensure that parking standards are adhered to as set out in the Local Plan and the Shobnall Neighbourhood Plan.
Albion (Marstons) Brewery, Shobnall Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 2BG
Listed Building Application for the installation of a broadband cable
No comment
3 Needwood Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 2EN
Erection of a single storey side and rear extension
No comment
2 Victoria Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 2LP
Retention of use of former workshop building as classroom (Class D1 Non-Residential Institution)
Objection due to loss of amenity to neighbours and parking issues arising from the proposed development
Amber House, 7-8 Needwood Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 2EN
Fell one Cypress tree TPO4-G1
No objection
Land at Lawnswood (Branston Locks) Development, Branston Road, Tatenhill DE13 9SB
No objection
2018-19/101 questions from Councillors and reports from Representatives
- Shobnall Leisure Centre: A Member reported that a banner had been seen advertising that Robirch FC are using the pitch at the Centre.
- Bridgwater Road: A Member referred to a previous meeting where the absence of a toddlers’ play area had been noted, the play area had been shown on the original developer’s plan, but it had been excluded from the conditions attached to the planning permission. It was confirmed that the planning decision overruled the original developer’s plan.
2018-19/102 Correspondence and Circulars
- SPCA: Weekly Bulletins had been received. Items of note were:
- Staffordshire County Council’s Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy
The Strategy highlights that the County Council is now facing incredibly difficult decisions in order to close a current £35m shortfall in 2019/20. The Leader of the County Council states that “…our financial position means that the only way to bridge the gap is by securing considerable extra funding or a significant reduction in services citizens may expect in core areas such as school crossing patrols, bus travel, car and highway landscaping.”
- Reminder: Nominations for SPCA Executive and AGM arrangements
- Nominations are now being accepted for election of representations to the SPCA Executive at the Association’s AGM on 03 December 2018. Nominations must be received no later than 19 October.
- Member councils are also now invited to put forward motions for debate at the AGM (please note that the councils must be represented at the AGM to speak to and move the motion, they must find another member council to second the motion).
- New Regulations affecting Councils’ Websites and Mobile Applications
- The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 came into force on 23 September following implementation of an EU Directive. The purpose of the 2018 Regulations is to improve the accessibility of public sector websites/mobile apps so they can be used by as many people as possible. They build on existing obligations to disabled people under the Equality Act 2010. It is NALC’s view that they apply to local councils.
The requirements imposed to meet accessibility standards do not apply for existing websites until 23 September 2020; to new websites published on or after 23 September 2018 until 23 September 2019; and for apps, 23 June 2021. Essentially websites/apps subject to the Regulations will have to meet an accessibility requirement, provide an accessibility statement and provide an accessible alternative format upon request. There are exemptions, such as a council will not be required to comply with the accessibility requirement if doing so would impose a disproportionate burden on the council. NALC legal will be issuing a briefing in due course.
RESOLVED That this information be relayed to Branston Media and assurances be sought that the parish council’s website will be compliant and what, if any, extra costs will be payable to meet the Regulations.
- Staffordshire Freight and Communities Forum:
The Association has recently been invited to nominate a representative to serve on the Staffordshire Freight and Communities Forum, a body convened by the County Council which to-date has been concerned primarily with issues surrounding the use of heavy commercial vehicles on the A515 in East Staffordshire and Lichfield districts, but which will, going forward, have a much wider brief.
Involvement with the Forum will provide an opportunity for SPCA to represent formally the interests of parish councils likely to be affected by other developments such as the proposed Strategic Rail Freight Interchange at Gailey and HS2 Phase 2, but any issues causing concern to individual parishes associated with heavy commercial vehicle movements may be drawn to its attention. The next meeting of the Forum will be held in Stafford on 13 December and any member council that has particular issues is asked to email relevant details in order that the SPCA representatives can be briefed accordingly.
AGREED That the parish council’s concerns re directional signage for HGV’s on the A515 and noisy HGV’s travelling down Henhurst Hill around 3am every day be sent to the SPCA for consideration at the 13 December meeting of the Forum.
- Branston – Walking Group
Branston Parish Council had approached the parish council as they have a few councillors and residents who are currently exploring walking routes within Branston and they had been informed that some of the councillors in Shobnall parish are doing the same. The first walk was Sinai hence for the interest in working with Shobnall Parish Council. Would Shobnall parish councillors of Shobnall like to do some joint work?
Branston parish council are in the process of trying to obtain some markers from the Public Rights of Way team so that their group can recreate some overgrown walks and their Clerk was hoping to set up a meeting with further volunteers who are currently working with the Public Rights of Way team. The group is more of a working group who filter requests/actions via the Branston Clerk.
AGREED That Shobnall parish councillors would be interested in joint working with Branston Parish Council, as set out above.
2018-19/103 Items for next meeting
None raised.
Date of next meeting
Monday 19 November 2018 at The Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm.
The Meeting closed at 9.05pm