Parish Council meeting
Shobnall Parish Council will meet on Monday 15th April 2024 at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent immediately following the Annual Parish Meeting.
Shobnall Parish Council
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 08 April 2024
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA on Monday 15 April 2024 immediately following the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area. |
- Apologies for absence
- To receive Declarations of Interest and receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
- To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2024
- Matters arising from the previous meeting
- Borough and County Councillors’ reports
- Financial matters
- Receipts and payments to 31 March 2024
- Planning matters
- Defibrillators
- Parish Council logo
- To receive questions from Councillors
- Correspondence
- Exclusion of the Press and public
- Traffic Survey Report (Draft)
Minutes of a meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at Brook House, Shobnall Road
on Monday 15 April 2024 commencing at 6.55pm
Councillor Pennicott, Chair
Councillors Dittmer, Donlon and Shilton
Also present
ESBC Councillor McKiernan and Walker
Matt Reeves, Artist
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
No members of the public were present at the meeting.
Dallow Lock mural refurbishment
Matt Reeves gave a presentation on progress on the digital re-design work; he explained the process to achieve the desired outcome and how the panels would be mounted and protected. He added that the printer and polycarbonate suppliers had advised that their prices had increased since the quote was first provided some 12 months ago, Matt said that this was unavoidable in the current economic climate but he stressed that his portion of the overall cost would not increase and that he would advise the revised costs as soon as these have been confirmed.
- Apologies for absence
Councillor Hoare.
- Declarations of Interest and receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None were received.
- Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 March 2024 be approved as an accurate record.
- Matters arising
None raised.
- County Councillor and Borough Councillor reports
None received.
- Financial matters
- Schedule of payments
Payee | Description | Payment Method | Gross
£ |
£ |
MW Cripwell Ltd | Defib inspections (March 2024) and 1 No. call-out | BACS | 178.50 | 29.75 |
Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd | Accounts software support and maintenance 2024/25 | BACS | 230.40 | 38.40 |
Clerk | Salary and expenses | BACS | 826.59 | 0.00 |
Viking Direct | Postage stamps and stationery | BACS | 218.74 | 24.62 |
Dynamic Transport Planning Ltd | Traffic Survey (full payment), Air Survey (partial payment) | BACS | 3,103.20 | 517.20 |
SLCC | Membership subscription 2024/25 (pro rata) | BACS | 109.44 | 0.00 |
HSBC | Bank charges | DD | 8.00 | 0.00 |
Clerk | Reimbursement: Microsoft 365 Business Standard licence renewal | BACS | 148.32 | 24.72 |
David Ogilvie Engineering Ltd | King’s Coronation seat
BACS | 2,258.40 | 376.40 |
TOTAL | 7,081.59 | 1,011.09 |
Resolved That the above payments be approved.
- Bank reconciliation at 31 March 2024
Bank Reconciliation | £ |
Current Account | 68,030.67 |
Business Money Manager Account | 30,822.00 |
98,852.67 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
100.3 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs) at 31 March 2024
Earmarked Reserves | £ |
Elections | 9,592.20 |
Contributions to community projects | 35,225.00 |
Dallow Lock mural refurbishment | 7,675.00 |
Replacement IT equipment | 5,000.00 |
Speed Indicator Device | 5,555.00 |
Benches | 9,672.00 |
Shobnall Road surveys | 7,525.00 |
80,244.20 |
Resolved That the EMRs be agreed.
- Receipts and payments to 31 March 2024
Resolved That the report be noted
- Planning matters
102.1 Planning applications
Application No. | Location | Proposal |
P/2023/01154 | 336 Shobnall Street | Erection of a two storey side and single storey rear extension, loft conversion including side dormers |
No objection in principle but it was noted that this is a retrospective application as it is stated on the application form that work started on 01 January 2021. | ||
P/2024/00265 | Centrum 93 Unit
Centrum Logistics Park Callister Way |
Change of use from Storage and Distribution (Class B8) to industrial (Class B2/E(g)(iii) |
There is a potential nuisance to residents from increased HGV traffic on Shobnall Road and the Local Planning Authority is requested to add a condition to the planning permission, if granted, that all HGV vehicles exiting the site must head towards the A38/A50 not Shobnall Road (Shobnall Neighbourhood Plan, Policy T4 – Traffic Management refers).
ESBC Councillor Paul Walker has agreed to call this application in for consideration and decision by the Planning Committee. |
- Defibrillators
- The Albion, Shobnall Road
Resolved That MW Cripwell’s quotation in the sum of £1,988.00 plus VAT to supply and install 1 No. external lockable heated cabinet, 1 No. HeartSine 360P defibrillator and electrical power supply be approved.
- It was noted that defibrillators had been installed at Shobnall Stores, Shobnall Street and The Albion, Shobnall Road on 02 April 2024 and that these had been added to the Parish Council’s insurance policy and that they had been registered with The Circuit.
It was further noted that MW Cripwell had agreed to be included on The Circuit as an additional Guardian for the Parish Council’s defibrillators.
103.3 A Councillor reported that he had been approached by residents at James Court Residential Care Home, St Pauls Square expressing concern that a defibrillator is not installed at the premises or in the immediate vicinity. It was agreed that the Care Home’s Manager be advised of organisations they could apply to for funding towards installing a defibrillator.
- Parish Council logo
The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had previously requested that signage be used to indicate that it has supplied and installed equipment, i.e. defibrillators, emergency bleed cabinet. Ideally the signage should include the official logo but the current format is not suitable for clear reproduction and the original rendering is not held by the Clerk. Advice had been taken from a graphic design professional and he had said that It would appear that the logo had been developed from a photograph and been stretched along its width. To achieve reliable reproduction at different sizes, he advised that the subject needs to be more of a simple illustration using line and flat colours.
Agreed That the Parish Council would prefer a simple illustration of a canal boat, preferably in green, and that the designer’s fee quote not exceeding £50 for this work be accepted.
- Councillor’s questions/reports
- Councillor Shilton reported that motorcycles were being ridden on the newly laid canal towpath. Agreed that the PCSOs be asked to monitor the towpath. (ESBC Councillor Walker also agreed to raise this issue at the upcoming Town Deal Board Meeting.)
- Councillor Shilton asked if the Canal & River Trust would permit the Parish Council to install a bench on a wider section of the towpath. Agreed that the enquiry be put to the Trust.
- Councillor Donlon reported that the mural on the side of a building on Casey Lane needs to be repainted. It was noted that the Parish Council is not responsible for the mural. Agreed that attempts be made to identify who is responsible for the mural and ask if there are any plans to repaint it.
- Councillor Donlon reported that several drains on Waterloo Street needed to be cleared. ESBC Councillor Walker said that he would investigate and report any blocked drains to SCC.
- Correspondence and circulars
106.1 SPCA
The SPCA’s weekly Bulletins had been circulated to all councillors.
106.2 Highways England
A38 Traffic Management Bulletins had been circulated to all Councillors.
106.3 Burton Unity
The Parish Council had been approached for its support for an application for funding from ESBC’s Ward Enhancement Programme (WEP). The project is to provide sports activities exclusively for women, targeting specifically the BAME community and underprivileged families who would not ordinarily get involved in sports activities. This will improve wellbeing and overall health.
Agreed That the Parish Council was unable to make a decision based on the information provided and that the organisation be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss the project.
- Exclusion of the Press and public
Resolved That under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 (Section 2) (and as expended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972), the Press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information.
- Traffic Survey Report (Draft)
Agreed That the draft report be received and that the consultant be invited to the next meeting to provide a better understanding of the data that had been recorded during the survey.
Date of next meeting
Monday 20 May 2024 commencing at 7pm at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA
The meeting closed at 9pm