Parish council meeting
Virtual meeting via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 895 9912 7394, Passcode: 564495
Shobnall Parish Council
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 08 February 2021
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a virtual Meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 15 February 2021 commencing at 7.00pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Public Forum
Members of the public may observe the meeting and participate in the Public Forum by using Zoom: Meeting ID: 895 9912 7394, Passcode: 564495
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area. If you prefer, queries or comments may be emailed to the Parish Clerk ( no later than 3pm on Friday 12 February 2021 for consideration by the parish council. |
Parish Clerk
Councillor Mahboob Yousaf
Councillors are asked to observe a minute’s silence in memory of Councillor Yousaf who died recently.
2020-21/148 To receive apologies
2020-21/149 To receive Declarations of Interest
2020-21/150 To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
2020-21/151 To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
2020-21/152 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2021
2020-21/153 To consider matters arising from the previous meeting
2020-21/154 To receive a report from the County Councillor
2020-21/155 To receive reports from the Borough Councillors
2020-21/156 Financial matters
2020-21/157 Actual income and expenditure as at 31 January 2021
2020-21/158 Bank Mandate
2020-21/159 Payroll Service
2020-21/159 Councillor Yousaf
2020-21/160 Shobnall Parish Council website
2020-21/161 To consider planning matters
2020-21/162 The Link Park
2020-21/163 To receive questions from Councillors
2020-21/164 Correspondence and Circulars
2020-21/165 Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting
Monday 15 March 2021 commencing at 7.00pm via Zoom unless otherwise notified.
Minutes of a virtual meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held on Monday 15 February 2021 commencing at 7.00pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Asghar, Dittmer, Donlon, Hoare and Shilton
In attendance
County Councillor Clarke
ESBC Councillor Walker
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
No members of the public were present at the meeting.
Councillor Mahboob Yousaf
The council observed a minute’s silence in memory of Councillor Yousaf who had recently died.
2020-21/148 Apologies
None, all councillors were present.
2020-21/149 Declarations of interest
None declared.
2020-21/150 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None were received.
2020-21/151 Updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest Forms
Councillors Asghar, Dittmer and Shilton were reminded that they had not yet returned their forms to ESBC. The Clerk was requested to post a paper version for Councillors Asghar and Dittmer to complete.
2020-21/152 Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 January 2021 be approved and signed as a true record.
2020-21/153 Matters arising from the previous meeting
None raised.
2020-21/154 Borough Councillor’s report
Councillor Walker reported that:
- He had been shocked to hear of Councillor Yousaf’s passing. He had been invited to the Cemetery for the burial where he had spoken with Mrs Yousaf, she and the children were understandably very distressed.
- Anti-Social behaviour had been reported in Gordon Street, Grange Street and Byrkley He said he had been disappointed with the response from ESBC, adding that the Police had been extremely helpful.
- Rangemore Street: He, ESBC Councillor McKiernan and the Parish Council had been thanked by residents for their support regarding the recent planning application to split a property into several units. The property had now been sold and would remain as a single residential dwelling.
- 2021/22 Budget and Council Tax: It was budget time for ESBC and the maximum increase permissible was likely to be agreed.
2020-21/155 County Councillor’s report
Councillor Clarke reported that:
- 2021/22 Budget and Council Tax: The County Council had recently agreed its 2021/22 budget and the Council Tax would be increased by 4.99%. He said that the Labour Group had voted against the budget as 3.1% of the increase is for adult social care and it was felt that the funding for this should come from Government and not be a financial burden on residents.
- Shobnall Road resurfacing: A letter had been sent to residents advising that the existing proposals had been withdrawn. It had been agreed with the three County Councillors who represent the areas affected to focus on developing the proposals on Shobnall Road and Forest Road sections of the B5017, as it is felt that this is where most of the issues are centred. Works to improve safety at the top of Henhurst Hill at the junction with Postern Road and Hopley Road will also be considered.
- Drains
- Shobnall Road: A resident had reported that the concrete had broken around a drain – this issue has been passed on to Staffordshire Highways.
- Shobnall Street: The drain outside No. 222 had been jetted and appeared to be working well.
- 21 Grange Street: Staffordshire Highways had been informed of a big pool of water at this location.
- Climate Change Fund: Shobnall School had been granted £1000 towards LED lighting.
- Washlands Club: He had no further news other than that the gym had been demolished.
2020-21/156 Financial matters
2020-21/156.1 Schedule of payments
Payments | Gross | VAT | Transaction Detail | |
Bloomin’ Gardens | BACS | £360.00 | £60.00 | The Link Park: Litter picking |
SPCA | BACS | £60.00 | – | Training: 2 delegates – Effective Planning Representations |
SLCC Enterprises Ltd | BACS | £58.80 | £9.80 | Training: Cyber Awareness e-Course |
Clerk | BACS | £692.63 | £2.40 | Clerk’s salary and expenses |
Total payments | £1,171.43 | £72.20 |
Resolved That the above payments be approved.
2020-21/156.2 Bank reconciliation as at 31 January 2021
Current Account | £45,775.16 |
Business Money Manager Account | £30,134.86 |
Total funds available as at 31 January 2021 | £75,910.02 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
2020-21/156.3 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs) as at 31 January 2021
£ | |
Elections | 10,000.00 |
Bus shelter project | 10,000.00 |
Link Park: New fitness and play equipment | 37,000.00 |
Parish boundary signs | 5,000.00 |
Replacement IT equipment | 5,000.00 |
Writing competition | 3,000.00 |
General Reserve | 5,910.02 |
75,910.02 |
Resolved That the information be noted.
2020-21/157 Actual income and expenditure as at 31 January 2021
Resolved That the report be noted.
2020-21/158 Bank Mandate
Councillors were reminded that the Financial Regulations state that four councillors will be signatories to the council’s bank accounts. Currently there were only two signatories.
Resolved That this item be deferred until after the Year End.
2020-21/159 Payroll Service
Resolved That the council accept Bradleys Tax & Accountancy Services quotation to provide the council’s payroll service with effect from 01 April 2021 at a cost of £90 plus VAT per annum.
2020-21/160 Councillor Yousaf
- The council retrospectively agree to the donation of Councillor Yousaf’s Apple iPad to his family for the children to use in support of their online learning.
2.The council took the decision not to install a seat in Councillor Yousaf’s memory as this would set a precedent as the council had not done so for previous long-serving councillors who had died.
2020-21/161 Website
Resolved That the reports be noted.
2020-21/162 Planning matters
2020-21/162.1 Planning applications
Resolved That the following observations be submitted to ESBC:
Application No. | Location | Proposal |
P/2020/01513 | Duke of York | Change of Use of microbar to form a 1-bedroom apartment |
Objection on the following grounds:
§ The application is for a 1 bedroom apartment measuring 40 sq. metres. ESBC’s Separation and Distances SPD Para. 6.3 states that 46 sq. metres is the minimum space for 1 bedroom 1 person accommodation and that 47 sq. metres is the minimum required for 1 bedroom 2 people accommodation. The application does not meet the minimum criteria. § Lack of parking provision (Shobnall Neighbourhood Plan Policy T5 refers).
It is also noted that the Planning Statement refers to the “emerging Shobnall Neighbourhood Plan” whereas the NP was made (adopted) on 14th June 2018. |
P/2021/00013 | 146 and 147 Victoria Street | Erection of one single storey rear extension and one single storey rear/side extension |
Objection on the following grounds:
§ This is a retrospective application and work has already started – it is not referred to as such on the Notification of Application. § Concern that the building work already started is of sub-standard construction and that Building Regulations had not been involved. |
P/2021/00084 | 7 Highcroft Drive | Erection of a single storey side extension |
No objection | ||
P/2021/00126 | Wellington Street Almshouses
Wellington Street |
Overall crown reduction 30% of 6 London Plain trees (G1 of TPO 366) |
No objection | ||
P/2021/00128 | 32 Derby Street | Erection of a part two storey part single storey side extension, first floor extension, single storey rear extension and repairs to existing shopfronts to form three new retail units and one apartment (Revised Scheme) |
Objection on the following grounds:
§ Access from Derby Street is dangerous to the public and road users and is too close to the junction. |
P/2021/00146 | 51 Grange Close | Raise canopy to give 5m clearance over highway and reduce canopy away from building to give 1m clearance to one London Plain tree (T1) (TPO 290) |
No objection |
2020-21/163 The Link Park
2020-21/163.1 Surrendering of lease (Minute No. 2020-21/141 refers)
The council was advised that the County Council had responded saying that there are no provisions within the lease for an early termination. Officers would liaise with ESBC regarding the s106 funds arising from the development of the former Imex Centre to see if a more sustainable play area could be created from a maintenance point of view. Once this information is available, the council’s request to surrender the lease will be reported to a future meeting to the Property Committee for decision.
2020-21/163.2 Alleged rough sleeper
Bloomin’ Gardens had reported that a gentleman was allegedly rough sleeping on the grass bank near the Moor Street bridge and that there was a lot of litter, bottles and human faeces. They had advised their staff not to clear the area due to health and safety concerns.
Subsequent investigations by the Burton YMCA Outreach Team had confirmed that he was not rough sleeping, he was using the area to watch the nearby trains. ESBC had informed the Police who had said they would visit the site to ensure that the gentleman was not breaching Covid-19 restrictions. Neither ESBC nor the Police regarded this issue as reaching the level of anti-social behaviour.
Resolved That, whilst appreciating the health and safety concerns expressed, Bloomin’ Gardens be requested to clear the area, and to ensure that it is maintained in a clean and tidy state thereafter.
2020-21/164 Councillors questions
2020-21/164.1 Councillor Donlon referred to a problem with drains on Waterloo Street. She was advised to contact County Councillor Clarke to report this issue.
2020-21/164.2 Councillor Dennis referred to the noticeboard on the exterior wall of the BACT Hub and suggested that BACT, who hold a key to the board, could be asked if they would display notices on behalf of the council. The Clerk was asked to approach BACT with the above request.
2020-21/164.3 Councillor Dennis referred to graffiti which she had removed from the Dallow Lock noticeboard and mural. She noted that the council had previously agreed that the murals on both sides of the canal should be cleaned on a regularly basis. Councillor Hoare agreed to ask a local window cleaner for a quotation to clean the murals in the Spring and Autumn annually and that the quotation be considered at the next meeting of the council.
2020-21/165 Correspondence and Circulars
2020-21/165.1 Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association (SPCA)
The SPCA’s weekly newsletters have been circulated to all Councillors.
It was noted that the Government were currently looking to reintroduce face to face council meetings after 07 May 2021, it was also noted this would only be possible if the community venues were permitted to open at that time. The Clerk was asked to contact the Princess Street Training Centre to provisionally book the large meeting room for the council’s scheduled May meeting.
2020-21/165.2 Highways England
The A38 Traffic Management Bulletins have been circulated to all Councillors.
2020-21/165.3 Vice Lord Lieutenant’s letter to parish councils
Agreed That the letter be noted.
2020-21/165.4 Police report
Agreed That the report be noted.
2020-21/147 Items for next meeting
No items were raised.
Date of next meeting
Monday 15 March 2021 commencing at 7.00pm via Zoom.
The meeting closed at 8.42pm
Signed …………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………………………………….