Parish council meeting
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, BURNTWOOD WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 11 December 2018
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW on Monday 17 December 2018 commencing at 7.00 pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Parish Clerk
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area.
2018-19/119 To receive apologies
2018-19/120 To receive Declarations of Interest
2018-19/121 To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
2018-19/122 To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
2018-19/123 To consider the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 19 November 2018
2018-19/124 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting held on 19 November 2018
2018-19/125 To receive a report from the PCSO
2018-19/126 To receive reports from the Borough Councillors
2018-19/127 To receive a report from the County Councillor
2018-19/128 To consider financial matters
2018-19/129 2019/20 Budget
2018-19/130 The Link Park
2018-19/131 East Staffordshire Borough Council: Consultation – Open Space and Playing Pitch Draft SPD
2018-19/132 To consider planning matters
2018-19/133 To receive questions from Councillors and reports from Representatives
2018-19/134 Correspondence and Circulars
2018-19/135 Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting
Monday 21 January 2019 at The Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm.
Minutes of a Meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, Princess Street, Burton upon Trent on Monday 17 December 2018 commencing at 7.00pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlon, Hoare, Shilton and Yousaf
In attendance
Councillor Clarke (SCC)
Councillor McKiernan (ESBC)
PC Blanksby
No members of the public were present
2018-19/119 APOLOGIES
Councillor Lewis
2018-19/120 Declarations of interest
Councillor Shilton declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in Planning Application P/2018/01386 as the Landlord is known to him.
2018-19/121 Written dispensation under the localism act 2011
No applications for dispensation had been received.
2018-19/122 Updates to Councillors’ register of interest forms
No changes to members’ registers of interest had been notified.
2018-19/123 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 19 November 2018
RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 November 2018 be approved as a true record.
2018-19/124 Matters arising from the Council meeting held on 19 NOVEMBER 2018
2018-19/114 The Link
- The Clerk reported that only eight responses to the survey had been received.
- The Clerk said that approaches would be made to organisations such as Sport England, Staffordshire Playing Fields Association, etc once the council has decided if it wishes to instigate any improvement and/or additions at The Link Park.
- Bloomin’ Gardens had confirmed that they empty the litter bins at The Link twice a week – Monday and Friday in the summer months; Tuesday and Friday during the rest of the year.
- A letter had been sent to the Manager of a nearby fast food restaurant asking if they will arrange for regular litter picks to be done or if this is not possible asking if they will consider sponsoring an additional weekly litter pick. A response was awaited.
- Bloomin’ Gardens had been requested to quote to include litter picking of the adjacent tree areas, the quote was awaited.
2018-19/115 Branston Walking Group
Cllr Dennis had met with Branston Parish Council on 06 December, following their invite to walk the pathways. They would like a commitment from SPC to make the pathway between our two areas cleared of any overhanging branches, if there are any. This is to keep the whole stretch of pathway easily accessible. They are thinking of putting in milestone type markers to denote the Parish boundary. Is this something the parish council would want to do?
The planned walk had not taken place on 06 December, but it will be rescheduled for January – information will be provided via SPC’s Clerk. Cllr Dennis had asked if the Branston Parish Clerk could ask for a link to the footpaths for SPC’s website.
2018-19/116 2019 Local elections
The Clerk had put the question to ESBC as to what would happen if the council were to be inquorate following the May 2019 local elections. The following response had been received from the Principal Elections Officer:
“I do know that some Parish Councils are struggling to get people to fill current vacancies. If next year you do not receive enough nominations to form a quorum, any validly nominated candidates are declared elected, the Returning Officer will order a new election (within 35 days) to fill the remaining vacancies. Two re-runs of the election would be held if necessary. If after the two re-runs there are still not enough members then the Returning Officer would invoke his powers to appoint persons to fill the vacancies.”
2018-19/116 Kingfisher Trail: Totem poles
The Clerk reported that Bloomin’ Gardens had been asked to quote to assess the structural viability of the totem poles, but the quotation had yet to be received.
ACTION The Clerk was requested to (a) check whether the totem poles were included on the Asset Register and (b) to contact the Kingfisher Trail project to ascertain if they have any information relating to the poles.
2018-19/116 Cable Amnesty
The Clerk had communicated the suggestion of a cable amnesty to Borough Councillors McKiernan and Walker – Councillor McKiernan said that she was going to raise this at a meeting in the near future.
PC Blanksby said that he is the only PC supported by two PCSOs (one full-time, one part-time). He said that the PCSOs work with ESBC’s Civil Enforcement Officers, not PCs. The PCSOs deal with anti-social behaviour, etc and PCs work on criminal issues. There is a Sergeant who covers the whole of Burton upon Trent and Uttoxeter. He said that there had been two vehicle thefts in the last 48 hours; vehicle thefts across the county look to be the work of organised crime and the vehicles disappear without trace.
In answer to a query as to what is the main problem in Shobnall, PC Blanksby said that drugs are widespread across the whole of the county. He said that Shobnall has its problems but there are worse places in Burton upon Trent.
2018-19/126 Report from the Borough Councillors
Taxis: Councillor McKiernan said that a recent Council meeting had considered a request from taxi drivers that their taxis need to be replaced every 10 years, not seven years as currently stipulated. The Council had agreed that taxis were to be replaced every seven years in the interests of passenger safety.
Washlands: Funding for the scheme would be from the Environment Agency, lottery funding and the sale of Bar Gates – the Council had agreed to a request for a £1m contribution.
Councillor McKiernan reported that she is now a Governor at the Grange School Academy; she also said that she had joined with Councillor Clarke in contributing some money for new computers and a printer at the Princess Street Training Centre.
2018-19/127 Report from the County Councillor
Councillor Clarke gave an update which included:
- Cut-backs over the next five years that the County Council are having to make.
- School crossings were discussed as in some areas this is falling to parish councils to provide.
AGREED That a letter be sent to the County Council expressing the council’s concern at the proposal.
- White line applications are only permitted where the residents meet the set down criteria. He said that white lines are not enforceable and blue badge holders can park on them.
- He had contributed £1,500 towards the cost of providing two or three new computers and a printer at the Princess Street Training Centre (the remaining funds had been provided by Borough Councillors).
ACTION The Clerk was requested to ask what classes the Centre offers for members of the public and whether these are free of charge or a fee is payable, and what facilities are available at the Centre for use by the community.
2018-19/128 Financial matters
2018-19/128.1 Schedule of Payments
Payments | Cheque No. | Gross
£ |
£ |
Transaction Detail |
Bloomin’ Gardens | 100998 | 281.40 | 46.90 | Litter pick/Play equipment inspection |
Princess Street Training Centre | 100999 | 37.50 | – | Room hire and refreshments (December meeting) |
VOIDED CHEQUE | 100100 | – | – | |
HMRC | 100101 | 458.56 | – | Q3 NI/PAYE |
Clerk’s Salary | BACS | 688.43 | 0.34 | Clerk’s salary and expenses |
Total Payments | 1,465.89 | 47.24 |
- The payments be approved.
- Payments be made via BACS wherever possible with effect from 01 January 2019.
2018-19/128.2 Bank reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation | £ |
Current Account | 34,325.75 |
LESS: Unpresented cheques: | |
100990 E.on Energy Solutions Ltd | -31.62 |
100991 Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd | -844.02 |
100993 Princess Street Training Centre | -37.50 |
100995 HMRC | -2,708.52 |
100996 Bloomin’ Gardens | -5,607.00 |
Balance per Cash Book is: | 25,097.09 |
PLUS: HSBC Business Money Manager Account | 30,030.59 |
Total Funds Available as at 31 October 2018 | 55,127.68 |
RESOLVED That the above was a true record.
2018-19/129 2019/20 BUDGET
Members considered a draft budget for 2019/20 which illustrated three options regarding the precept:
Option A Status quo with the precept remaining at £20,810 which would see the General Reserved reduce by £10,440
Option B An increase of £350 on the precept to £21,160 which would see the General Reserve reduce by £10,090
Option C An increase of £10,440 on the precept to £31,250 which would give a balanced budget, i.e. no funds would be taken from the General Reserve
Members agreed that it was preferable to have a balanced budget and that the precept would have to increase as the council was under increasing pressure to take on functions from the County Council without finance. The precept had not been raised for a considerable number of years and it was not good practice to keep depleting the reserves to balance the budget.
- Option C, i.e. balanced budget, be agreed
- The Clerk was asked to check if the 3 No. planters on Halcyon Way and Waterloo Street are included on the Asset Register
- The Clerk was asked to contact Bloomin’ Gardens for:
- A quotation to fill and water the planters
- Confirmation of the cost of grass cutting at The Link Park now that the BMX track has been returned to grass
- Confirmation of the cost of litter picking at The Link Park if an additional litter pick was required
- A precept in the sum of £31,250 be declared on East Staffordshire Borough Council. (VOTE: 5 for, 1 abstention)
2018-19/130 THE LINK PARK
- Survey
Members received the results of the survey and agreed that a step-by-step approach be taken in any works and equipment installations to be implemented on the site. It was noted that professional advice will be required to ensure that the site is developed to provide inclusive facilities and activities for all age groups.
RESOLVED That quotations be sought for the installation of land drainage to the former BMX track on the site.
- Travellers
Members received a report on the presence of travellers on the site and the legal steps being taken to see them leave the site as soon as possible. Members accepted that the costs involved in this process (which being done by the County Council on the parish council’s behalf) would be in the region of £1,300 plus £282 plus VAT for Bloomin’ Gardens to supply and install a replacement bollard on the access road.
AGREED That Members would consider the above consultation document and respond to the Clerk with their comments by 31 December 2018 to enable a formal submission to be made to ESBC.
2018-19/132 planning matters
- Planning applications
Notification of the following planning applications received up to 06 December 2018 had been emailed to all Members – no comments had been notified to the Clerk for submission to ESBC:
Oaks Wood, Reservoir Road
Crown lifting of 4 trees comprising 2 oak, 1 ash and 1 hawthorn to provide clearance of 4.5m above the ground (TPO No 1)
- Planning applications
The following planning applications were notified after 06 December 2018:
Wellington Arms, 44 Wellington Street
Change of use of public house to 8-bedroo boarding house and 4 self-contained flats together with associated external alterations
AGREED That Members would consider the above application outside of the meeting and relay their comments to the Clerk for submission to ESBC.
Golding Skip Hire, Nicolson Way
Erection of single storey extensions to existing office building
No comment
239 Waterloo Street
Continued use of store as a separate retail unit (Class A1) and installation of new shop front and external roller shutters
Comment: The plan shows a new dividing wall separating the two retail units which eliminates access to the toilet facilities for the proposed retail unit.
2018-19/133 questions from Councillors and reports from Representatives
Councillor Yousaf noted that ESBC had recently held an Environment Week in the Ward and asked what resources had been put into the Week as very few people were aware of what was happening. He also mentioned that dog fouling and fly tipping remained a problem in the Ward.
2018-19/134 Correspondence and Circulars
- SPCA: Weekly Bulletins had been received. Items of note were:
- Elections 2019
A range of materials to help councils publicise the local elections are now available on the NALC website (
The Clerk gave a report on SPCA’s AGM on 03 December which she had attended as the council’s representative.
Date of next meeting
Monday 21 January 2019 at The Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton upon Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm.
The Meeting closed at 9.25pm