Parish council meeting
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, BURNTWOOD WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 10 July 2018
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Princess Street Training Education and Enterprise Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW on Monday 16 July 2018 commencing at 7.00 pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Parish Clerk
There will be a period of Public participation prior to the start of the meeting.
2018-19/051 To receive apologies
2018-19/052 To receive Declarations of Interest
2018-19/053 To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
2018-19/054 To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
2018-19/055 To consider the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 June 2018
2018-19/056 To consider matters arising from the Council meeting held on 18 June 2018
2018-19/057 To receive a report from the PCSO
2018-19/058 To receive a report from the Borough Councillors
2018-19/059 To receive a report from the County Councillor
2018-19/060 To consider financial matters
2018-19/061 Insurance Policy
2018-19/062 To consider planning matters
2018-19/063 To receive questions from Councillors
2018-19/064 Correspondence and Circulars
2018-19/065 To receive reports from representatives
2018-19/066 Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting
Monday 17 September 2018 at The Princess Street Training Enterprise and Education Centre, 25-28 Princess Street, Burton on Trent DE14 2NW commencing at 7.00 pm
Minutes of a Meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at the Princess Street Training Enterprise and Education Centre, Princess Street, Burton upon Trent on Monday 16 July 2018 commencing at 7.00pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlan, Hoare, Shilton and Yousaf
In attendance
Councillors McKiernan and Walker (ESBC)
PCSO Worden
No members of the public were present
2018-19/051 APOLOGIES
Councillor Lewis
- The apology for absence be approved.
- A leave of absence for a period of six months from the date of this meeting due to ongoing business commitments be approved for Councillor Lewis.
2018-19/052 Declarations of interest
Councillor Shilton declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in Minute No. 2018-19/-063 (Grange School: Proposed Multi Use Games Area as he is a Governor of the school).
2018-19/053 Written dispensation under the localism act 2011
No applications for dispensation had been received.
2018-19/054 Updates to Councillors’ register of interest forms
No changes to members’ registers of interest had been notified.
2018-19/055 Minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 June 2018
RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 June 2018 be approved as a true record.
2018-19/056 Matters arising from the Council meeting held on 18 JUNE 2018
2018-19/035 ESBC Enforcement: The Clerk reported that a formal request to ESBC for Shobnall Parish to be included in the enforcement programme and ESBC had responded saying that an Action Week was scheduled for Shobnall in December 2018.
2018-19/037 Gordon Street Surgery
RESOLVED That a letter be sent to NHS England and the CQC asking for an update re monitoring the surgery and asking if there is anything that the parish council can do to help as Members are receiving adverse reports from patients.
2018-19/041.01 The Link Park
- The Clerk had reported that contact had been made with the County Council asking about the feasibility of The Link Park and the tree areas in the vicinity to be the subject of a Community Asset Transfer to the Parish Council. Updates will be provided to the council as and when information is available.
RESOLVED That the information be received and noted.
- The Clerk reported that contact had been made with Bloomin’ Gardens & Landscapes Ltd. The council’s Purchase Order (which had been emailed to them on 23rd May) had been overlooked, consequentially the works were not included in their schedule of works. After several emails to Bloomin’ Gardens they had now responded to say that grass seed will not take in the current hot weather and the work will be best done in the autumn. The Clerk has asked that confirmation of the commencement date be communicated as soon as this is confirmed.
RESOLVED That the information be received and noted.
- A Member asked if fitness equipment for older users could be provided on the site once the BMX track had been returned to grass.
RESOLVED That brochures be obtained for perusal at the next meeting.
2018-19/043 Lanyards
The lanyards and ID badge holders had been ordered. The Clerk had printed photo ID cards using the photos currently on the website and these were handed to Members at the meeting.
2018-19/045 re P/2017/00791 Access to Lower Outwoods Road
The council’s comment was forwarded to ESBC and the Planning Officer responded by asking if the council had offered an alternative solution. Following liaison with the Chair and Vice-Chair a further response was sent to ESBC saying that Members had taken the view that the original plan should stand, i.e. that rising bollards should be used to control traffic.
2018-19/057 REPORT FROM PCSO
PCSO Worden reported that crime in general in the Ward had decreased compared to other years and there are no hot spots of criminal damage. He referred to ongoing anti-social problems at Unity Park (which is ESBC’s responsibility) and said that he thought the fencing for the games area should be higher and that LED lighting needs to be considered so that there are no dark corners on the site.
PCSO Worden also reported that an instance of underage drinking had been dealt with at The Link Park and this area continued to be visited regularly by officers.
2018-19/058 Report from the Borough Councillors
Councillor Walker gave an update:
- Blocked drains, roadside flooding problems remain at Alma House, Waterloo Street, Shobnall Street, Shobnall Road and Princess Street and these have been reported to the County Council for resolution; the halal meat market has reported a loss of trade due to the presence of roadside flooding outside the shop. He reported that Amey are taking 12 months to respond to complaints. Councillor Walker stressed that residents should be encouraged to report problems to the County Council via their website.
RESOLVED That a letter be sent to County Councillors Fisher and Clarke asking where Shobnall is on the priority list for works to be undertaken letter to be (copied to Borough Councillors McKeirnan and Walker), stressing that this has become a quality of life issue for pedestrians who are splashed by vehicles driving through the roadside puddles.
- Fly tipping remains a problem – areas affected include the top of Vernon terrace and Princess Street – and he encouraged people to report incidents to ESBC when they occur.
RESOLVED That ESBC be asked if fly tipping has increased since the introduction of tip charges at the household recycling sites.
- Unity Park – Councillor Walker noted that the see saw has been missing for over 12 months and he said that ESBC are looking to upgrade the Park and ESBC Officers are due to meet with Borough Councillors. Members noted that other pieces of missing equipment had not been replaced over the years and that people do use the play area and this area can be very busy, but problems have been experienced for a long time in the games area (see PCSO’s comment in Minute No. 2018-19/057).
RESOLVED That an update be requested from ESBC.
Councillor McKeirnan gave an update:
- Café Zen: Three more meetings have been arranged for July, August and September 2018 and a poster had been provided to the Clerk which would be uploaded to the council’s website.
- Cancer Prevention event – Councillor McKiernan reported that she was still trying to arrange something at the Princess Street Centre in September.
- Councillor McKiernan reported that she had a question to the June ESBC council meeting asking what was being done to keep Marks & Spencer in the town and she had not received a satisfactory answer. She had subsequently come across a LGA paper on town centre regeneration which she had passed to ESBC – she had now been invited to participate in quarterly meetings.
2018-19/059 Report from the County Councillor
None tabled.
2018-19/060 Financial matters
2018-19/060.1 Schedule of Payments
Payments | Cheque No. | Gross
(incl VAT) |
VAT | Net | |||
£ | £ | £ | |||||
Patricia Dennis: Reimbursement re polycarbonate for The Link noticeboard | 100970 | 180.00 | 30.00 | 150.00 | |||
Computer Lifeline Ltd: Annual fee re Email and domain provision | 100971 | 342.00 | 0.00 | 342.00 | |||
Bloomin’ Gardens & Landscapes Ltd: Inv. No. 643538 | 100972 | 317.40 | 52.90 | 264.50 | |||
Clerk’s salary and expenses | 100973 | 664.25 | 0.58 | 663.67 | |||
M Danby: Reimbursement re purchase of lanyards and ID badge holders | 100974 | 87.00 | 14.50 | 72.50 | |||
Princess Street Training Centre: Room Hire (July meeting) | 100975 | 25.00 | 0.00 | 25.00 | |||
Total Payments | 1,615.65 | 97.98 | 1,517.67 | ||||
RESOLVED That the payments be approved.
2018-19/060.2 Bank reconciliation
£ | £ | |
Current Account b/fwd | 33,381.58 | |
Add: Unpresented cheques | ||
100965 | 281.40 | |
100966 | 642.53 | |
100967 | 766.41 | |
100968 | 71.00 | |
100969 | 50.00 | |
Total unpresented cheques | 1,811.34 | |
Add: Receipts this month | 0.00 | |
Bank Statement as 16 July 2018 (TBC) | 31,570.24 | |
Adjusted Account i.e. LESS this month’s payments | 29,954.59 |
RESOLVED That the above was a true record.
2018-19/061 Insurance Policy
Members were reminded that the council’s current insurance policy with Zurich Municipal was due for renewal on 15 September 2018. The council had paid an annual premium of £941.09 for the current policy.
The Clerk informed Members that she had revised the policy schedule to ensure that all the council’s assets are adequately covered, that the Official’s Indemnity and Fidelity Guarantee were included.
Three insurance companies or brokers who specialise in local council insurance had been approached for quotations based on a 1-year term, and 3-year 5-year long-term agreements:
Quotation A
No quotations had been received
Quotation B
3-year term £408.80 per annum plus £25 administration fee = £433.80*
Quotation C
1-year term £873.90
3-year term £837.21 per annum*
5-year term £800.52 per annum*
*The premium would only rise over the term if:
- the sums assured increase
- the levels of indemnity increase
- the council’s claim history is poor
RESOLVED That Quotation B (supplied by WPS insurance Brokers) be accepted in the sum of £408.80 plus £25 administration fee per annum on a 3-year long-term agreement.
2018-19/062 Planning matters
60 Waterloo Street, Burton Upon Trent DE14 2NB
Change of Use from Class 3 residential to Class D1 Massage therapy centre, single storey rear extension, alterations to the front and rear elevations including shop front
No comment
60 Waterloo Street, Burton Upon Trent DE14 2NB
Display of two non-illuminated fascia signs
No comment
Central Depot (Global Brands Ltd), Derby Street, Burton Upon Trent DE14 2LE
Erection of single storey extension to warehouse
No comment
18 Halcyon Way, Burton Upon Trent DE14 2JR
Erection of a two storey side extension and single storey rear extension and relocation of boundary fence
Councillor Shilton asked for time to visit the site before commenting, if no response was received from Councillor Shilton by 01 August 2018 a “No comment” response would be submitted to ESBC.
2018-19/063 Councillors questions
s.106 Agreements
Members noted residents of six properties on Bridgewater Road had been promised that rear access parking would be provided to them when properties behind them on Shobnall Road were demolished, however this had not been included in the s106 agreement and therefore the parking had not been provided.
The above issue raised a query as to how much s106 monies were available for the Shobnall Ward and where those monies had been or would be spent.
RESOLVED That a request be made of ESBC to provide information relating to how much s106 funding was available for the Shobnall Ward and how this money had been spent or how it was intended to spend those monies in the Ward.
Bus Shelters
A Member asked if a bus shelter could be provided at the Town Hall bus stop. It was agreed that if a bus shelter was to be provided at this location it should be in keeping with the building. It was also noted that as The de Ferrers Academy was opening in the Town Hall Annex the Principal could be asked if they were considering providing a bus shelter at the location for use by their students (and the public).
Grange Community School: Proposed Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
Councillor Shilton informed Members of the proposed MUGA at the school, stating that it would be used solely by the school during school hours and used by local groups outside normal school hours (administered by the Burton Albion Community Hub). He said that the school were making grant applications and it would be beneficial if the parish council would provide pump priming funding for the project. He asked that the parish council invite Rebecca Elson, a Governor at the Grange Community School who was leading the project, to make a presentation at the next meeting.
RESOLVED That Rebecca Elson be invited to make a presentation at the September 2018 meeting of the parish council.
2018-19/064 Correspondence and Circulars
- Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) – Annual Conference 10/11 October 2018
RESOLVED That, subject to confirmation that the conference agenda is of value to the parish council, the Clerk be authorised to attend the SLCC’s Annual Conference and that the delegate fee, accommodation, travel expenses, etc will be met by the parish council.
- Staffordshire Playing Fields Association
RESOLVED That as the parish council is not a member of the SPFA it does not wish to pay the annual subscription.
- SPCA Bulletins weekly Bulletins had been received. Items of note were:
- Information Governance: A Guide to Information Governance which will provide guidance to parish councils on GDPR/DPA/FOI etc will be published by the end of December 2018.
- Early Help for Children & Families – Referral Practices: Staffordshire County Council rolled out the new Early Help model that supports children and families in Staffordshire in Cannock Chase, Lichfield, Stafford and South Staffordshire on 02 July 2018.
RESOLVED That enquiries be made as to whether the Early Help model was also available in East Staffordshire.
- National Association of Local Councils (NALC) – Annual Conference 30/31 October 2018
RESOLVED That the Clerk be authorised attend the NALC Annual Conference and that the delegate fee, accommodation, travel expenses, etc will be met by the parish council.
2018-19/065 Receive reports from representatives
RESOLVED That this item be merged with Members Questions on future agendas.
2018-19/066 Items for next meeting
- Presentation by Rebecca Elson re the Grange Community School Multi Use Games Area (MUGA)
- 2019/20 Budget and precept
Date of next meeting
Monday 17 September 2018 at the Princess Street Training Enterprise and Education Centre, Princess Street, Burton Upon Trent.
The Meeting closed at 9.05pm