Parish Council meeting
Shobnall Parish Council
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 09 January 2023
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Parish Council to be held at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent DE14 2BA on Monday 16 January 2023 commencing at 7pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area. |
Proposed skatepark at Shobnall Leisure Centre
Dan Poyner will speak to the council regarding the above proposal.
- Apologies for absence
- Declarations of Interests and Dispensations
- To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2022
- Matters arising from the previous meeting
- County Councillor’s report
- Borough Councillors’ reports
- Financial matters
- Receipts/payments to 31 December 2022 and draft 2023/24 budget
- 2023/24 Precept declaration
- Planning matters
- Emergency bleed control cabinet and kit package (Minute Nos. 69.1 and 83 refer)
- Website
- To receive questions from Councillors
- Correspondence
Date of next meeting
Monday 20 February 2023 at 7pm – Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 2BA
Draft Minutes of a meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held at Brook House, Shobnall Road
on Monday 16 January 2023 commencing at 7pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlon, Pennicott and Shilton
Also present
ESBC Councillors McKiernan and Walker
Dan Poyner
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
No questions or comments were put for consideration.
Proposed extension to the Shobnall skate park
Mr Poyner explained that he and his colleagues had been in discussions with ESBC regarding the potential to provide an indoor facility within a new leisure centre in the town for which funding had been applied for from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. A decision on the application had been expected by the end of 2022 but there has been no news to date. These discussions had somewhat put the proposed Shobnall extension on the back burner and no further progress had been made. He had approached two skate park providers for advice/information but only one had expressed an interest – Freestyle (who had provided the original Shobnall skate park).
He said that the next stage is for a feasibility study, potentially with a conceptual design, to be done on the proposed extension, though this could only be provided at a cost.
The council confirmed that it remains interested in the project and agreed to fund the cost of the feasibility study and conceptual design to a maximum of £10,000. Mr Poyner agreed to seek a quotation from Freestyle which he would forward to the Clerk and, provided the quotation does not exceed the agreed figure, the Clerk was authorised to place the order for the work to be done.
Councillor McKiernan agreed to speak with ESBC to confirm whether planning permission would be required for the proposed extension. She also confirmed that the recent Samaritans community engagement event at the Leisure Centre interest had been expressed in providing an enhanced community area close to the current skate park which could include wild flowers, benches, lighting, QR codes, etc – funding could potentially come from the County Council for this area.
- Apologies
Councillor Asghar
- Declarations of Interest and receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None declared.
- Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2022 be approved as an accurate record.
- Matters arising
Minute Nos. 60 and 96: Traffic Calming: Forest Road area
An invitation had been received for Councillors to meet with Staffordshire Highways officers on a site visit. Councillors Dennis, Pennicott and Shilton had said that they were available to attend the site meeting had been arranged to take place on Friday 27 January 2023 at 10am.
- County Councillor
Councillor Afsar was not present at the meeting and a report had not been provided.
- Borough Councillors reports
110.1 Councillor McKiernan confirmed that the Health and Wellbeing Fair would be held on 23 February 2023 from 1-5pm at the BACT Hub, Casey Lane. She said that 28 organisations have signed up to attend the event and 1000 leaflets were being printed to publicise the event.
110.2 Councillor Walker reported that:
- The care home in Outwoods Street continues to cause problems which have yet to be addressed.
- Roadside flooding continues to be an issue in the Ward, Edward Street was cited as being particularly bad.
- The planning application for 1 Grange Street had been returned to the applicant asking for some amendments to be made prior to it being progressed further.
- Financial matters
111.1 Schedule of payments
Payee | Description | Payment Method | Gross
£ |
£ |
Girlguiding Burton upon Trent Division | Room Hire (Brook House): January-December 2022 | BACS | 172.02 | 0.00 |
HSBC | Bank charges 30 November – 30 December 2022 | DD | 8.00 | 0.00 |
Clerk | Salary and expenses | BACS | 756.64 | 1.50 |
MW Cripwell Ltd | Defib checks – January 2023 | BACS | 120.00 | 20.00 |
TOTAL | 1,056.66 | 21.50 |
Resolved That the above payments be approved.
111.2 Bank reconciliation at 31 December 2022
Bank Reconciliation | £ |
Current Account | 73,243.53 |
Business Money Manager Account | 30,200.80 |
103,444.33 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
111.3 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs)
Earmarked Reserves | £ |
Elections | 10,000.00 |
Proposed skatepark extension | 44,100.00 |
Dallow Lock mural refurbishment | 14,000.00 |
Replacement IT equipment | 5,000.00 |
General Reserve | 30,344.33 |
103,444.33 |
Resolved That the EMRs be agreed.
- Receipts/payments to 31 December 2022 and draft 2023/24 budget
Agreed That:
- The report be noted.
- It was further noted that the draft budget had been amended as requested at the previous meeting (Minute No. 99(b).
- 2023/24 Precept declaration
Resolved That a Precept of £37,180 be declared on ESBC.
- Planning matters
114.1 Planning applications
Application No. | Location | Proposal | Observation |
P/2022/01451 | 214 Shobnall Road | Erection of a two storey rear extension and installation of first floor side windows | No objection |
114.2 Planning Decisions
Resolved That the report be noted.
- Emergency bleed control cabinet and kit package (Minute Nos. 69.1 and 83 refer)
Councillors were advised that no response had been received from Lidl. The Shobnall Leisure Centre had agreed to have an emergency bleed control unit installed on the external wall of the Centre. They had agreed to install the cabinet at no cost to the council, would monitor it on a daily basis and would hold a spare kit package. The cabinet and its contents would remain the council’s property and be included on the Asset Register and the insurance policy.
Agreed That an emergency bleed control cabinet and kit package at a cost of £425.00 plus VAT and one replacement kit at a cost of £85.00 plus VAT be purchased from Turtle Engineering Ltd for installation at Shobnall Leisure Centre.
- Website
It was noted that there had been 54 visits to the website in the 30 days to 09 January 2023. It was also noted that the website was currently down – the County Council’s digital team were working to restore the website as soon as possible.
Councillor Pennicott asked that the County Council’s digital team be asked if they could improve the website positioning when people search on Google as he thinks that the site is currently not easy to find. Agreed that the request be put to the team.
- Dallow Lock mural refurbishment
The Clerk had traced the original artist, Matt Reeves. Mr Reeves had checked his records to confirm how the work had been done in 2014. If the council wanted the work done in the same manner as previously he gave a ball park cost of +/- £15,565 but he strongly advised that a proper site inspection be done to fully ascertain what needs to be done and a formal quotation could then be provided.
Mr Reeves said that there was an opportunity for the council to have the Dallow Lock designs digitally printed onto “Dibond” and then the sheets could be applied directly over the old artwork. Councillors considered this option but confirmed that they did not want to go down this route.
Agreed That Mr Reeves be asked to undertake a site inspection and provide a formal quotation for (a) one side only to be refurbished (the side known to be damaged) and (b) for both sides to be refurbished if necessary.
- Councillors’ questions
- Councillor Pennicott asked if it would be possible for the council to have a presence on the “Next Door” platform. Agreed that this avenue be deferred further pending the outcome of the request to the County Council’s digital team regarding the positioning of the website when searching on Google.
- Correspondence and circulars
119.1 SPCA
The SPCA’s weekly Bulletins had been circulated to all councillors.
119.2 Highways England
The A38 Traffic Management Bulletins had been circulated to all councillors.
Date of next meeting
Monday 20 February 2023 commencing at 7pm at Brook House, 18 Shobnall Road, Burton upon Trent DE14 2BA.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm