Parish council meeting
Venue: Princess Street Training Centre
Shobnall Parish Council
c/o 32 Hillcrest Rise, Burntwood WS7 4SH
Mobile: 07521 022738
Our Ref: MD 08 June 2020
To: All Members of the Parish Council
Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend a virtual Meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 15 June 2020 commencing at 7.00pm at which the business set out below will be transacted.
NB: This meeting is permissible under the Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (“the 2020 Regulations”) which came into force on 04 April 2020 in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The 2020 Regulations enable local councils to hold remote meetings (including any by video and telephone conferencing) for a specified period until May 2021.
Yours sincerely
Mary Danby
Parish Clerk
Public Forum
Members of the public may observe the meeting and participate in the Public Forum by logging onto Webex. Please email the Parish Clerk ( for the login details no later than 12 noon on the day of the meeting. A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated prior to the commencement of the meeting when members of the public may put questions/comments on any matter in relation to which the Parish Council has powers or duties which affect the area. If you prefer, queries or comments may be emailed to the Parish Clerk ( no later than 3pm on Friday 12 June 2020 for consideration by the parish council. |
2020-21/023 To receive apologies
2020-21/024 To receive Declarations of Interest
2020-21/025 To receive written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
2020-21/026 To receive updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest forms
2020-21/027 To consider the Minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 May 2020
2020-21/028 To consider matters arising from the previous meeting
2020-21/029 To receive reports from the Borough Councillors
2020-21/030 To receive a report from the County Councillor
2020-21/031 Financial matters
2020-21/032 To consider the 2020/21 Budget as at 31 May 2020
2020-21/033 Grant Aid applications
2020-21/034 Annual review of policies and documents
2020-21/035 Shobnall Parish Council website
2020-21/036 To consider planning matters
2020-21/037 Staffordshire County Council: The Staffordshire County Council (East Staffordshire) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2018 (Amendment) No. 11/20xx
2020-21/038 The Link Park
2020-21/039 To receive questions from Councillors
2020-21/040 Correspondence and Circulars
2020-21/041 Items for next meeting
Date of next meeting: Monday 13 July 2020 commencing at 7.00pm via Webex unless otherwise notified.
Minutes of a virtual meeting of Shobnall Parish Council
held on Monday 15 June 2020 commencing at 7.05pm
Councillor Dennis (in the Chair)
Councillors Dittmer, Donlon, Hoare, Shilton and Yousaf
In attendance
Borough Councillors McKiernan and Walker
Mary Danby, Clerk
Public Forum
No members of the public were present at the meeting.
2020-21/023 Apologies
Councillor Asghar
2020-21/024 Declarations of interest
Councillor Hoare declared a disclosable non-pecuniary interest in Planning Application No. P/2020/00476 as the applicant is a close neighbour.
2020-21/025 Written applications for dispensations under the Localism Act 2011
None were received.
2020-21/026 Updates to Councillors’ Register of Interest Forms
No updates were notified.
2020-21/027 Minutes
Resolved That the Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2020 be approved and signed as a true record.
2020-21/028 Matters arising from the previous meeting
2019-20/181.2 and 2020-21/006 Children’s Writing Competition
The Clerk reported that a response had yet to be received from Grimm & Co. Councillors asked that Councillor Hoare’s list of things to be considered in organising the competition be circulated to all Councillors to enable this item to be considered further at the next meeting.
2019-20/181(b) and 2020-21/006 Mobile CCTV
Councillors received information from ESBC. ESBC had confirmed that they would not have the capacity to accept a mobile CCTV unit on loan for use in the Shobnall Parish area if the parish council were to purchase a unit.
Councillors asked for more information to enable them to reach a decision at the next meeting on whether a mobile CCTV unit should be purchased:
- ESBC to be asked for the specification of the camera they have purchased.
- Ascertain if there is a specimen Risk Assessment template that can be used by the council.
- Consideration to be given as to where the CCTV unit would be located, subject to fulfilling the legislative requirements and consultation, and how/who would operate the unit, i.e. initial installation, changing batteries and SD cards.
2020-21/029 Borough Councillors reports
Councillor Walker reported that:
- Fly tipping continued to be an issue at Vernon Terrace, mattresses had been dumped at the garages opposite Vernon Terrace.
- Gatherings on Shobnall Fields had seen complaints of increased litter on the site and he had been in contact with ESBC Officers in this matter.
- Activities on the Shobnall Fields car park had been reported to the Police.
2020-21/030 County Councillor’s report
Councillor Clarke had provided the following report as he was unable to attend the meeting:
I am sorry but I am unable to join the meeting on Webex, the same is for Zoom or any other cam site, SCC will not allow members access because it has not been checked out by their system . I am having meetings with SCC through Team.
I am still waiting for information on the question of the roundabout by Shobnall School, I still believe it is still part of the planning application, but I am waiting for conformation, if I get before your meeting I will let you know.
Through my County Council Highway Fund, I have agreed for all the pavement gratings to be cleaned out in Wellington Street. The drain in Shobnall Street (part of my £20,000 fund) is still on the agenda to be cleaned. Dallow Bridge potholes which I have raised on many occasions, on the part of the road which comes into the Shobnall Ward has now, I am pleased to say has been repaired.
2020-21/031 Financial matters
2020-21/031.1 Schedule of payments
Payments | Payment Method | Gross
£ |
£ |
Transaction Detail |
Bloomin’ Gardens | BACS | 426.00 | 71.00 | The Link Park: Litter picking, grass cutting |
HMRC | BACS | 518.36 | 0.00 | NI/PAYE 2020/21 Q1/4 |
Clerk | BACS | 704.82 | 0.00 | Clerk’s salary and expenses |
Staffordshire County Council | BACS | 600.00 | 100.00 | Setting-up new SPC Website (gold package) |
Total Payments | 2,249.18 | 171.00 |
Resolved That the above payments be approved and that the documents be signed at the next face to face meeting of the council.
2020-21/031.2 Bank reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation | £ |
Current Account | 50,791.27 |
HSBC Business Money Manager Account | 30,123.18 |
Total Funds Available as at 31 May 2020 | 80,914.45 |
Resolved That the above was a true record.
2020-21/031.3 Earmarked Reserves (EMRs)
Earmarked Reserves as at 31 May 2020 | £ |
Elections | 10,000.00 |
Bus shelter project | 15,000.00 |
Link Park: new and replacement play equipment | 37,000.00 |
Parish boundary signs | 5,000.00 |
General Reserve | 13,914.45 |
80,914.45 |
2020-21/032 2020/21 Budget as at 31 May 2020
Resolved That the Budget report showing receipts and payments as at 31 May 2020 be received and noted.
2020-21/033 Grant Aid applications
2020-21/033.1 Horninglow & Eton Parish Council (H&EPC)
Joint Fund Consideration – COVID-19
H&EPC had contacted all East Staffordshire parish councils for joint support during the COVID-19 pandemic. Parish councils were requited to unite in support of the three main registered charitable food banks operating within the area (Salvation Army (Burton Corps), Burton Hope and the YMCA (Burton branch)) by each donating £100.
The Clerk had circulated the information to all parish councillors seeking their input on the request. Only three responses were received, two for making the donation and one against. This fell short of the minimum of four responses (i.e. the quorum). The Clerk liaised with the Chair and it was decided that the parish council would not donate to the Joint Fund.
RESOLVED That the above action be retrospectively agreed.
2020-21/033.2 The Salvation Army (Burton Corps)
Councillors were advised that The Salvation Army had applied for grant aid in the sum of £500 to replenish foodstuff used up in the making of food parcels for the community in need within the Burton upon Trent area, which included Shobnall.
RESOLVED That The Salvation Army be awarded a grant in the sum of £500.
2020-21/034 Annual review of policies and documents
- Asset Register: No changes were necessary
- Financial Regulations: No changes were necessary
- Financial Risk Assessment: Play and fitness equipment at The Link Park to be deleted
- Information and Data Protection: No changes were necessary
- Publication Scheme: No changes were necessary
- Standing Orders: No changes were necessary
2020-21/035 Shobnall Parish Council website
- It was noted that there had been 101 visits to the website in the 30 days to 05 June 2020.
- It was noted that the Website Accessibility Regulations come into effect in September 2020 and that the council’s website must meet the criteria.
- Non-Parish schools were to be removed from the “Education” section of the website.
2020-21/036 Planning matters
2020-21/036.1 Planning Applications
Resolved That the following observations be submitted to ESBC:
Application No. | Location | Proposal | |||
P/2020/00476 | 3 Jennings Way | Erection of a detached garage | |||
No objection |
P/2020/00501 | 18 Halcyon Way | Retention of boundary wall | |||
Objection: The boundary wall height and the materials used are not in keeping with the character of the area. |
P/2020/00513 | 23 The Grange | Erection of garden room and carport and retention of driveway/hard landscaping | |||
No objection |
2020-21/036.2 Planning decisions
Resolved That the notified planning decisions be received and noted.
2020-21/037 Staffordshire County Council
The Staffordshire County Council (East Staffordshire) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting and Loading and Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2018 (Amendment) No. 11/20xx
RESOLVED The parish council has no objection to the above proposal.
2020-21/038 The Link Park
2020-21/038.1 Litter bin (Minute No. 2020-21/018 refers)
- 2 No. Derby Standard Litter Bins (pyramid tops) with ground fixing spikes for installation into grass be ordered from Broxap at a total cost of £634 plus delivery and VAT.
- Bloomin’ Gardens quotation in the sum of £170 plus VAT to install the above litter bins.
- Consideration of installation of drainage on the site be deferred until the next face to face meeting of the council.
2020-21/038.2 Fitness and play equipment (Minute No. 2019-20/161 refers)
Bloomin’ Gardens had reported that the final pieces of equipment were removed from The Link Park on 27 May, leaving the area ready for levelling and re-seeding.
2020-21/039 To receive questions from Councillors
2020-21.39.1 Unity Park: Councillor Yousaf asked when the ESBC would be replacing the missing piece of play equipment on the site. Borough Councillor Walker said he would write to the ESBC seeking confirmation of when this would be done, and if not, why not? as it was known that the piece of equipment had been missing for a long time.
2020-21/039.2 Junction Grange Street/Shobnall Road: Councillor Dittmer reported an overgrown hedge.
AGREED That the overgrown hedge be reported to Staffordshire County Highways as it was encroaching onto the footpath and restricting road users’ visibility.
2020-21/039.3 Princess Street Training Centre: Councillor Dennis reported that the council is looking at using the Centre’s IT Suite for those Councillors who are unable to access the Internet to enable them to participate in the council’s virtual meetings. The Clerk was asked to make a provisional booking of the IT Suite for the council’s July meeting.
2020-21/039.4 Clerk’s Annual Appraisal: Councillor Dennis noted that the Clerk’s Annual Appraisal was overdue (normally held in April annually) but given the current restrictions on meeting it was agreed that the Appraisal be held over until such time as a face to face meeting can be arranged.
2020-21/040 Correspondence and Circulars
2020-21/040.1 Staffordshire Parish Councils’ Association (SPCA)
It was noted that SPCA’s weekly newsletters had been circulated to all Councillors.
2020-21/040.2 Highways England
The weekly A38 Traffic Management Bulletins had been circulated to all Councillors.
2020-21/040.3 East Staffordshire Borough Council – Parish Council Forum
It was noted that ESBC were looking to restart the Parish Council Forum and the council had been asked to submit topics for possible consideration by the Forum.
- Two representatives be invited from each parish council.
- Consideration of how parish councils can be promoted, i.e. to encourage people to stand to be parish councillors.
- Communications generally between ESBC and the parish councils needs to be improved.
2020-21/041 Items for next meeting
Councillors Tablets: Consideration as to whether the current tablets (purchased in August 2016 for Councillors and the Clerk) should be replaced by iPads.
- Quotations for 8 No. iPads (7 Councillors and the Clerk) be presented for consideration at the next meeting of the council.
- An Earmarked Reserve be created to accrue funds over time to replace IT equipment (i.e. Tablets, Clerk’s laptop) as and when necessary.
Date of next meeting
Monday 20 July 2020 commencing at 7.00pm via Zoom unless otherwise notified.
The Meeting closed at 8.20pm
Signed …………………………………………………….
Date ……………………………………………………….